We believe…
Membership (Matthew 16:16) – Our members recognize Jesus as “the Messiah, the Son of the living God”. Yep, that’s it! We wouldn’t put any requirements beyond what Jesus required. We have “no creed but Christ”.
Baptism (Romans 6:4) – We usually baptize by immersion but if you were sprinkled, that’s fine too. And if you want to be re-baptized, we can do that.
Communion (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) – All who recognize Jesus as the Messiah are welcome at the Lord’s Table. After all, Jesus extends the invitation, not us. By the way, we have communion weekly.
Priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9) – Everyone has a direct line to God through Jesus. In addition, everyone gets to chip in doing God’s work, why should the pastor get all the blessings? Men, women, children, all have a calling from God…let’s find out your special calling from an all-loving, all-merciful God!
Scripture (Timothy 3:16) – The Bible is our guide, but we understand God reveals it to each of us individually. People with doubts and questions are respected and encouraged to take a deep-dive with us to discover God’s word and will for them as individuals. Everyone has a right to exercise their freedom of opinion. We believe “in essentials unity, in opinion liberty; and in all things, love.”
Diversity (Galatians 3:19) – All people are children of God, regardless of their ethnicity, race, gender, orientation, or…whatever! All are welcome with open hearts, open minds, and open arms.
Unity (Ephesians 4:5)– We believe in fellowship and cooperation with other churches as well as other faiths for the betterment of our community, our nation, our world…and of course, ourselves. We believe “in essentials unity, in opinion liberty; and in all things, love”, but now we’re repeating ourselves, aren’t we?
Christianity is a life-journey, come travel with us!